How to Send Push Notifications with the OneSignal REST API by OneSignal Developers

You need to generate your user Auth Key each time to access it. If you reset your user Auth Key, you will receive an email letting you know this occurred. “OneSignal has helped us reach our online customers through push and in-app messages. Engagement has increased at least 100% since we started.” Our APIs have been performance-engineered to handle many concurrent connections, allow batch operations for many calls, and easily scale with your business. We enable over 2 million developers and marketers across the globe to send over 12 billion messages per day. Send a message to the users identified by the EUIDs “one”, “two”, and “three” using the push channel.

  • Under the Cloud Messaging tab you will find the Server Key and the Sender ID (the Sender ID is the Project Number required by One Signal).
  • You will need to provide OneSignal with your Google Project Number and Firebase Server API Key.
  • This includes installing NPM packages, within your code without having to manage a package.json file or running npm install.
  • You can also refer to the Median section of OneSignal’s documentation.
  • No, they will be allowed to send again after some time passes.
  • This identifier allows targeting your user when sending push notifications without having to retrieve the specific Android or iOS device tokens – which are managed by OneSignal.

Popular OneSignal (REST API) Integrations#

You will need to configure two versions of the app, iOS and Android. Start by configuring the iOS version by clicking on the platform Apple iOS (APNS) and moving to the next step. On the OneSignal site, in the same dialog what is api trading where you copied the Web Id for Safari you will now see a checkox at the bottom to set a custom icon for Safari Web Push notifications.

All-in-one messaging API that supports SMS, push, email, and more

one signal rest api

Create a key provider object with the function getToken() that returns your key. Now, run npm install @onesignal/node-onesignal –save to add the OneSignal NodeJS SDK Client NPM package to your project. After you have installed the OneSignal NPM package, add the following variable to your index.js after the OneSignal import. This includes installing NPM packages, within your code without having to manage a package.json file or running npm install. Write custom Node.js code and use any of the 400k+ npm packages available.

Create, View, & Delete Segments

To add any system here, you would need to add more information and keys. Notice we use object destructuring to store the ID of the notification in a variable called ID. Keep in mind that if you want to create an app using the OneSignal NodeJS Client, you will need the User Authentication Key. Navigate to the settings page, by clicking the S _ ettings _ tab. Using the OneSignal NodeJS Client SDK is very useful because it can help you integrate OneSignal into different workflows that your applications may have.

Integrate OneSignal with the app

Use with the target_channel parameter to control the delivery channel. Target a message for customers who’ve spent $5K or more while excluding those deemed inactive, even if they are included in the segment “CLTV 5K”. Overrides membership in any segment specified in the included_segments parameter.


OneSignal’s REST API enables developers to automate the delivery of push notifications, manage users and segments, and gather analytics to refine communication strategies. One Signal is the platform used for sending push notifications to the devices with the app installed. It is free and only one account is needed to enable push notifications for all your apps.

Set Up the Web Push Notifications

Align delivery with your target users’ time zones so they’re more likely to see it. If you don’t yet have a OneSignal account you can create one freehere. Once you have done so, you can learn how to add OneSignal to your mobile apphereor websitehere. In conclusion, this guide aims to equip developers with the knowledge and tools necessary to leverage OneSignal effectively within their Flutter applications. You may optionally provide a URL to open within your app when the notification is tapped. To authentificate the app, you will need to use your OneSignal REST API key.

Follow our OneSignal Developers X account to learn more about OneSignal, technical tips, and the latest events from OneSignal developers. The OneSignal Developer community gathers on our public chat server, available on Discord. Our Discord server is a safe environment to network with other members, ask questions, and learn from each other. It is also a place to engage with the OneSignal product development team. At OneSignal, we like to make life easier for software developers.

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one signal rest api

You may disable your app to prevent new and scheduled notifications from being delivered. Treat your REST API Key as though it is a password – do not add it to your app code or public repositories (e.g. github) and do not share it with anyone. To obtain the template_id, navigate to the relevant template in your dashboard. It’s typically found in the URL or designated section within the template settings. This parameter helps control the volume of data retrieved during one operation, especially when navigating many notifications. Deliver the notification worldwide at 9 AM in each user’s local time zone.

Follow our OneSignal Developers Twitter to learn more about the OneSignal product, technical tips, and the latest events from our developers. To get the API KEY and the APP ID from OneSignal, navigate to the OneSignal Dashboard and click on the app you created inside of OneSignal. Once you have selected the app you want to work with, click the S _ ettings _ tab. This tutorial will cover an overview of our OneSignal REST API reference and the usage of our API with a NodeJS server. Using the OneSignal REST API is very useful because it can help you integrate OneSignal into different workflows that your applications may have. The OneSignal REST API is friendly with different technologies including front and backend.

To verify no duplicate requests go through, you can add an Idempotent Key with the external_id parameter. Under the Cloud Messaging tab you will find the Server Key and the Sender ID (the Sender ID is the Project Number required by One Signal). Copy the numbers by clicking on the copy icon and paste them in OneSignal and save the configurations.

Adapty’s customer_user_id can be used as an externalUserId for this purpose, but if your app doesn’t have a registration system, you may need to use a different identifier. Additionally, it’s crucial to keep this identifier consistent across all devices and to send updates to OneSignal whenever a user’s ID changes. By keeping track of their activity and subscriptions across all devices, you can better understand their needs and provide them with relevant and timely notifications. The Push API gives applications the ability to receive messages from a server whether or not the app is in the foreground or currently loaded on a user agent. This lets you deliver asynchronous notifications and updates to users who opt-in, resulting in better engagement with timely new content.

For this reason, to ensure we’re sending a push notification to the right contact, we utilize OneSignal’s External User ID feature. OneSignal sends push notifications through Google’s Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) service. You will need to provide OneSignal with your Google Project Number and Firebase Server API Key. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use the OneSignal REST API using NodeJS. Take a look at the OneSignal documentation to learn how to integrate OneSignal into your project.

Whether you’re sending 1-to-1 or to targeted audiences, you can easily personalize your messaging to keep your users engaged and loyal. Members of each segment will receive the notification unless they’re also members of a segment specified in the optional excluded segments parameter. The information required for Android set up can be found in on the app’s entry at your Firebase account.

You will use this in all your SDK initialization codes and API calls. Of OneSignal users say using OneSignal is easier than their previous messaging platform. “We’ve managed to bring back tens of thousands of users to our website, generating some additional 1.5 million pageviews over the past four years.” We’ll introduce you to our powerful multichannel messaging platform and some of the ways we can help you enhance your customer experience and grow your business. Data is the new gold, and OneSignal provides unlimited API calls so you can freely send and access the data you need. Compare this to our competitors, who either have monthly quotas or charge extra for API calls and data updates, which can easily 2x your cost.

one signal rest api

When you’ve finished reviewing your code for bugs, re-enable the app by logging into our dashboard, visiting any page inside the app, and click the link on the top red notice. This is an extremely high limit meant to protect customers from accidentally messaging all of their users in a loop, and should not affect the normal usage of OneSignal. Your User Auth Key is for app management API requests (e.g. using the Creating an app and Viewing apps) and is unique to each user. Your OneSignal App ID (or just App ID) is the main identifier we use to differentiate your app from all other OneSignal apps.

Basically, if the tech stack you are using supers API calls, then you can use the OneSignal REST API. I have not found a filter for this endpoint in the documentation so i ask if there is another way to get the desired data. Any changes to this API Specification or our openapi-generator fork requires at least a patch-level bump to thespec’s version number. This version number is used to create client libraries downstream, so that API ClientLibraries have consistent semanticly versioned SDK numbering schemes between languages.

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