Sober living

What is microdosing? How does it work?

Putting your reflections on paper gives your subconscious mind an opportunity to speak. These ‘How to microdose’ guidelines follow the Fadiman Protocol, but you can adjust these according to your desired protocol. The Fadiman Protocol (also known as the Beginners Protocol) is the most well-known microdosing schedule named after Dr. James Fadiman. The primary aim is to help […]

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Alcoholism and Appearance: How alcohol abuse damages looks

From there, alcohol can cause the blood vessels in your eyes to swell, which leads to bloodshot eyes. Moreover, bloodshot eyes can be a sign of more serious complications such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and addiction. Always seek the an honest drug guide for raves festivals and clubs clubnight advice of a physician or

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Essential tremor: diagnosis and management

Despite treatment with clonazepam and levetiracetam, action and intention myoclonus and negative myoclonus on standing were significant. The video segment illustrates myoclonus before and one hour after ingestion of 2.5 gm of Xyrem [48]. Patient #3 developed severe PHM after a spontaneous bilateral pneumothorax leading to cardiopulmonary arrest. Despite treatment with valproic acid, levetiracetam and

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Should California be able to require sobriety in homeless housing?

Sober living homes are realistic, cost-effective living environmentsr for people in recovery. Both of those studies highlight the need for long-term support and treatment for those who struggle with moderate to severe addiction and don’t have a supportive and positive environment to return home to after treatment. Residents are typically required to participate in

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Essential tremor Diagnosis and treatment

Dopamine receptor D3 partial agonists or antagonists inducing diet may be considered therapeutic options for patients with essential tremor [37]. Surgical treatment modalities such as magnetic resonance-guided focused essential tremor alcohol ultrasound thalamotomy, deep brain stimulation, and radiosurgery improve the quality of life in essential tremor patients [38-39]. The prevalence of essential tremor can be reduced by the

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Alcohol Use Disorder AUD: MedlinePlus

CBT works by helping you explore how your thought patterns affect your reactions and behaviors so you can learn new ways of responding to emotions. AUD makes it harder to process thoughts and regulate emotions and behaviors, leading to mental, physical, and emotional symptoms. Complications arising from alcohol usage may manifest as bleeding disorders, anemia, gastritis,

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Understanding Powerlessness and Acceptance in Early Recovery

Rationalization, denial, and other defense mechanisms provide a smokescreen to obscure the truth that is in plain view. Denial is a classic symptom of addiction, especially in the form of justification. In other words, “You’d drink too if you had my life” is a warning sign of powerlessness over addiction. The power of admitting

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GLOBAL NEWS: Busting myths on alcohol and COVID-19

Therefore, consumption should be moderate in general, and especially during the pandemic [24]. In contrast, Nielsen IQ reported [25] a 477 % increase in online alcohol sales by end of April 2020. Social stressors include social isolation, unemployment, frontline work such as in a hospital, working from home, management of children’s schooling, as well as

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